Our own tea, eh? In my vast, and lifelong tea drinking experience, I have found that there is a purpose for every tea... breakfast, gossip, wellness, etc...
the most fun of which is gossip. Gossip teas should be flavored black teas.
My favorite tea was one mixed by "Lisa's Tea Treasure's" and it was called "Victorian Parfait".
It was a black tea with nuts, dried cherries, caramel and chocolate flavors. I think there were even a few dried banana chips... but I'm not a giant fan of banana's... so it was subtle.
Other than the fancy french teas we adore... my current favorite flavor is one the boy ordered my a crate of. It's from the Bahamas and it's Vanilla Rum Tea.
I think if we were to mix a tea, it would have to have some sort of booze flavor in it... I've also never been able to find anything like "Victorian Parfait", so it would be lovely to mix that.
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