One may ask: Now, you two are certainly modern girls, therefore what tea measures do you take when you wake up at a home where, persay, you are not on the deed? At the home, perchance, of a gentleman caller? (Said gentleman caller has been the same gentleman caller for upwards of eight years now, so don't get your no doubt complicated Victorian panties in a twist. Hi Mom.)
The answer is shown here. One drinks Harrod's house mix, looseleaf, with water from crazy Japanese quick water boiling science fiction thingy purchased for said gentleman caller's birthday last year.
Dude, it boils eight quarts in minutes - and keeps it at a tea-appropriate temperature as long as you want. It's magic! It's double magic when one of the burners is out on the gentleman caller's stove, and his water heater is on the blink. It is, in fact, the only link to modern civilization that exists at the gentleman caller's house right now.
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